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Application Status Frequently Asked Questions

以下是关于您在MyOHIO学生中心申请状态的常见问题. 如果你的问题没有列出,或者你想要更多的信息,请 email Undergraduate Admissions or call 740.593.4100.

My application status says "Incomplete." What does that mean?

当您的待办事项列表中有需要完成的项目时,您的申请状态将显示“未完成”, such as submitting a transcript or ACT/SAT test scores.

Application Status: Incomplete
Application Status: Incomplete
我的待办事项列表包含了已经发送到bet8九州登录入口的项目. What does that mean?

本科招生办收到了大量的申请和学术证书. 请记住,虽然本科招生部门可能已经收到了你的申请材料(成绩单), test scores, etc.) via postal mail or electronically, 只有那些申请材料已被完全处理的人才可提供更新. 请允许至少6至8周的时间来完成您的文件的审查过程.

我的申请状态包含了待办事项列表中项目的截止日期. What does that mean?

截止日期是根据提交申请材料的建议时间表创建的. Please refer to the Apply web page for application deadlines.

My application status says "Complete." What does that mean?


  1. 当所有待办事项列表项完成后,您的申请状态将显示“完成”. At this time, 你的申请将由本科招生部门审查,以确定你是否有资格被大学录取.
  2. 在您接受大学录取通知书后,您的申请状态将从“已录取”变为“已完成”. 此时,您将需要按照 Admitted Student page to confirm your intent to enroll at OHIO. 
Application status: Complete
我的申请状态从“完成”变为“未完成”." What does that mean?

当一个项目被添加到您的待办事项列表中时,您的申请状态将变为“未完成”, 例如要求额外的ACT/SAT考试成绩或更新成绩单.

Application status: Changed to incomplete
My application status says "Admitted." What does that mean?

Congratulations! 如果你已经被bet8九州登录入口录取,你的申请状态会显示“已录取”.  Your official communication will be coming soon!

Application status: Admitted
My application status says "Accept or Decline." What does that mean?


  • 接受offer后,你需要按照表格上的步骤来做 Admitted Student page to confirm your intent to enroll at the University. 
  • 拒绝要约后,不需要采取进一步行动. Your application will be withdrawn from the University. 如果您错误地拒绝了offer或改变了主意,请发送电子邮件至 or call 740.593.4100.
Application status: Accept or decline
My personal information (such as contact information, demographic data, or emergency contact details) is incorrect. How can I correct this?

Please email Undergraduate Admissions at or call 740.593.4100 to have your personal information corrected. 请注意,可能需要官方文件.

我申请了一个学术项目,它的录取标准更加严格[商学院], 罗斯工程技术学院(不适用航空飞行专业), E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, School of Media Arts and Studies, or School of Nursing], 但是我的申请状态是大学学院. What does that mean?

如果你最初没有达到该项目更严格的录取标准, but you meet the University admission guidelines, you will be offered admission to University College. 您的录取通知书将提供有关对录取决定提出上诉或申请其他学术课程的可能性的进一步细节.

Application status: University College
I applied to the School of Dance, School of Film, School of Music, 视觉传达学院或航空飞行专业毕业, 但是我的申请状态中也列出了大学学院. What does that mean?

If you meet the University admission guidelines, 你将被大学学院录取,等待你成功的试镜, portfolio review, 面试和/或补充申请进入更严格的入学计划. 如果你没有被更有选择性的项目录取,但你已经被大学学院录取了, 你的录取通知书仍然有效.

Multiple Colleges listed
我申请了戏剧学院或者艺术设计学院, and my application status lists "Fine Arts” twice. What does that mean?

If you meet the University admission guidelines, 在你成功试镜之前,你将被录取到你所在学院的文学学士课程, portfolio review, 和/或面试进入更严格的入学计划. “美术”出现两次,代表你在文学学士课程中的地位, separately, within the BFA program. If both "Fine Arts" rows are "complete" or "admitted," then OHIO has received your audition, portfolio, and/or interview. 如果一个或多个“美术”行显示“未完成”,,然后你应该检查你的待办事项列表,查看你需要提交的其他项目.

COFA application status: Complete


COFA application status: Incomplete


要查看您在每个项目中的状态,请单击“招生”选项卡. 从那里,你可以选择每个专业单独复习. 文学学士专业由以字母“BA”开头的计划代码表示.BFA专业由以字母“BF”开头的计划代码表示."

BA = admitted/BFA = applicant

如果你的学士学位项目状态是“被录取”,而你的BFA项目状态是“申请人”," then your audition, portfolio, and/or interview are still under review.

COFA BA status: Admitted


COFA BFA status: Applicant
BA = cancelled/BFA = admitted

如果你的文学学士课程状态为“取消”,而你的BFA课程状态为“录取”," then you have been admitted to the BFA program.

COFA BA status: Cancelled


COFA BFA status: Admitted
BA = admitted/BFA = cancelled

如果你的文学学士课程状态为“录取”,而你的BFA课程状态为“取消”,那么你就没有被北京电影学院录取. 你进入学士学位课程和大学的录取仍然有效.

COFA BA status: Admitted


COFA BFA status: Cancelled



I applied to the Honors Tutorial College (HTC), but my application also lists another academic college. What does that mean?

If you meet the University admission guidelines, 你将被录取到与你预期的荣誉辅导学院(HTC)专业最接近的学院的大学. 如果学院决定进一步处理你的HTC申请,HTC将审查你的申请,并通知你. 如果您对您的HTC申请状态有疑问,请发送电子邮件至HTC or call 740.593.2723.

HTC and other College listed